Utilization of Lunar Resources

Currently, several countries have proposed space structure construction plans. Nevertheless, the costs of transporting materials to build bases and the oxygen necessary for human activities from earth are enormous. 

For obtaining building materials and oxygen for human lives in space, utilization of lunar resources has been proposed. By acquiring metal and oxygen from lunar resources on Moon, transportation from Earth is unnecessary and moon development can be accomplished with low cost .

The surface of Moon is covered with sandy gravel bed layer, called "Regolith." Especially, alumina (Al2O3) is one of the most abundant resources included in Regolith, so huge amount of aluminum and oxygen can be obtained from alumina. To produce aluminum and oxygen from alumina, reduction method suitable on the Moon is necessary.

Alumina Reduction by Laser Ablation

Accordingly, laser ablation method has been proposed. By laser irradiation, ablation plume ejects from the surface of alumina, heated to above the boiling point of alumina: ~3250 K. In the ablation plume, the temperature achives over 4000 K, and some part of alumina is dissociated into aluminum and oxygen.

From the measured emission spectrum from the ablation plume, the existance of aluminum oxygen was confirmed, and we verified tha alumina reduction can be achieved through laser ablation. Moreover, the result of chemical reaction simulation indicated 32% of alumina was reduced into aluminum. the increase of the molar reduction percentage and development of the collection system is anticipated as our next challenge.